
National epidemic situation of notifiable infectious diseases in September 2016


In September 2016 (from 0:00 on September 1, 2016 to 24:00 on September 30, 2016), 536494 cases of legal infectious diseases and 1512 deaths were reported across the country (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, the same below). Among them, 6 cases of cholera were reported in class A infectious diseases, and there was no death. Among class B infectious diseases, SARS, poliomyelitis, human infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza and diphtheria were not reported, and 282206 cases and 1500 deaths were reported for the other 22 infectious diseases. The top five diseases reported were viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, syphilis, bacillary and amoebic dysentery and gonorrhea, accounting for 94% of the total reported cases of class B infectious diseases.

In the same period, filariasis among class C infectious diseases was not reported, and 254282 cases of other 10 infectious diseases were reported, with 12 deaths. The top three diseases reported were hand, foot and mouth disease, other infectious diarrhea diseases and mumps, accounting for 94% of the total reported cases of class C infectious diseases.

病名 发病数 死亡数**
甲乙丙类总计 536494 1512
甲乙类传染病合计 282212 1500
鼠疫 0 0
霍乱 6 0
传染性非典型肺炎 0 0
艾滋病 4877 1181
病毒性肝炎* 111326 50
甲型肝炎 1695 0
乙型肝炎 87390 41
丙型肝炎 18029 6
丁型肝炎 41 0
戊型肝炎 2031 2
未分型肝炎 2140 1
脊髓灰质炎 0 0
人感染高致病性禽流感 0 0
麻疹 414 0
流行性出血热 394 2
狂犬病 76 62
流行性乙型脑炎 459 15
登革热 632 0
炭疽 58 0
细菌性和阿米巴性痢疾 14607 0
肺结核 89342 176
伤寒和副伤寒 1190 1
流行性脑脊髓膜炎 3 0
百日咳 545 0
白喉 0 0
新生儿破伤风 19 0
猩红热 2624 0
布鲁氏菌病 3408 1
淋病 10625 0
梅毒 40286 9
钩端螺旋体病 65 0
血吸虫病 1034 0
疟疾 222 2
人感染H7N9禽流感 0 1
丙类传染病合计 254282 12
流行性感冒 11212 0
流行性腮腺炎 12829 0
风疹 124 0
急性出血性结膜炎 3044 0
麻风病 41 0
斑疹伤寒 118 1
黑热病 16 0
包虫病 419 0
丝虫病 0 0
其他感染性腹泻病 91507 2
手足口病 134972 9

Note: * the morbidity and mortality of viral hepatitis are the sum of the reported morbidity and mortality of hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis D, hepatitis E and unclassified hepatitis;**The death data reported through the infectious disease network direct reporting system shall not be used as the basis for the ranking of the causes of death of infectious diseases in China.

Source: health and Family Planning Commission


